Link to original module
Features to be implemented
Auto-detect customer location based on IP address -
Let visitors choose whether or not to switch store -
Automatically switch currency per store view -
Enable/disable visitors to switch store views -
Restrict redirect based on IP and URLs -
Don’t redirect search engine crawlers to guarantee SEO efficiency -
Allow blocking visitors by countries and IPs -
Compatible with Varnish, Redis, Cloudflare cache.
Magento versions
- Community: 2.3.x - 2.4.x
- Enterprise: 2.3.x - 2.4.x
Module Versions (if applicable)
-Ver: v1.4.3
-Compatible with Hyva version 1.1.16
- Dung NA
- Phuong NM
Hyvä Module Name
- Magento name: Hyva_Bss_GeoipStoreviewSwitcher
- Gitlab repo:
Edited by BSS Commerce