Link to the original module
Screenshots of Hyva_MageWorxStoreLocator
Product page (store list): Product page (store list)
Product page (detailed store list): Product page (detailed store list)
Locator (map after list): Locator (map after list)
Locator (map before list): Locator (map before list)
Locator (list on map): Locator (list on map)
Locator (list left side of map): Locator (list left side of map)
Store page: Store page
Features that need compatibility
available stores list (simple/detailed) on product page -
locator templates: List Without Map, List Before Map, List After Map, Filter On Map, Filter on the Left Side -
locations filter on the list -
stores search on the list with location, radius and get current place button -
map with interactive features -
stores locator page with link in header -
stores pages
Hyvä Module Name
- Composer package:
- Gitlab repo:
- Magento name:
Edited by Eduard Chyzhyk