Magento Modules:
- Magento_NegotiableQuote
- Magento_NegotiableQuoteAsyncOrder
- Magento_NegotiableQuoteGraphQl
- Magento_NegotiableQuoteSharedCatalog
- Magento_NegotiableQuoteWeee
- Magento_CheckoutAddressSearchNegotiableQuote
- Magento_CheckoutAgreementsNegotiableQuote
- Magento_ConfigurableNegotiableQuote
- Magento_GiftCardNegotiableQuote
- Magento_PaypalNegotiableQuote
contains storefront affecting logic/output.
affect checkout only (along withMagento_NegotiableQuote
Adobe Commerce Packages
- magento/module-negotiable-quote
- magento/module-negotiable-quote-async-order
- magento/module-negotiable-quote-graph-ql
- magento/module-negotiable-quote-shared-catalog
- magento/module-negotiable-quote-weee
- magento/module-order-history-search
- magento/module-checkout-agreements-negotiable-quote
- magento/module-checkout-agreements-purchase-order
- magento/module-configurable-negotiable-quote
- magento/module-gift-card-negotiable-quote
- magento/module-paypal-negotiable-quote
Note: this repo is only accessible with a Hyvä Enterprise license or as a contributor.
For more details, see:
All points are rated according to priority as P1 (critical), P2 (important), P3 (minor).
basic - does not break layout/design
Note: this issue is for features related to the main Hyvä Theme only. See #118 for details on Hyvä Checkout compatibility. All checkout features are also supported using the fallback Luma checkout.
Note: All below features assume output only if company accounts and negotiable quotes are enabled in Stores > Configuration:
along with quotes being enabled for the company.
Global - Customer Account Header
Feature complete (click to expand items checklist)
[P3] Add 'My Quotes' link when logged in -
[P2] Visible with relevant permissions only (view/manage quotes)
Cart (Feature complete (click to expand items checklist)
[P1] Request a quote link -
[P2] Visible with relevant permissions only (request/manage quotes) -
[P2] Disable quote button if minimum spend not set -
[P2] Display message if minimum spend not set (and message set in config)
[P1] Request a quote modal -
[P2] Add comment -
[P1] Add quote name -
[P2] Upload file -
[P2] File validation -
[P1] Submit/create quote -
[P2] Display error message when trying to request a quote when a coupon code/discount is applied
Account Area (all pages)
Feature complete (click to expand items checklist)
[P1] Add 'My Quotes' to account area navigation menu -
[P2] Visible with relevant permissions only (view/manage quotes)
Quote Listing Page (Feature complete (click to expand items checklist)
[P1] Accessible with relevant permissions only (view/manage quotes) -
[P1] Quote listing table - Quote Name, Created, Created By, Status, Last Updated, Quote Total and Action columns
[P1] View quote action -
[P2] Switch between all company/my quotes only -
[P2] Only display if user has relevant permissions
[P2] Pagination works -
[P2] Limiter works -
[P2] Now results message (when no matching quotes)
Quote Detail Page (Feature complete (click to expand items checklist)
[P1] Accessible with relevant permissions only (view/manage quotes)
Header Area
[P1] Show quote name / status -
[P1] Show quote creation date and user (created by) -
[P1] Show quote expiration date -
[P2] Show quote sales rep -
[P2] Show and link to order (for completed quotes) -
[P2] Show quote messages (e.g. warning message if not quote owner, or when quote prices expired) -
[P1] Close quote -
[P2] Visible/enabled with relevant permissions only (request/manage quotes) and quote owner
[P1] Delete quote -
[P2] Visible/enabled with relevant permissions only (request/manage quotes) and quote owner -
[P3] Add modal to confirm deletion (as per Luma)
[P3] Print quote
Info Tabs
[P1] Show quote items - Name, SKU, price, stock, qty, subtotal, actions (delete/notes)
[P2] Update item qty's -
[P2] Visible/enabled with relevant permissions only (request/manage quotes) and quote owner
[P2] Delete items -
[P2] Visible/enabled with relevant permissions only (request/manage quotes) and quote owner
[P2] View notes from (or left to) seller for each item -
[P2] Leave a note to seller for each item (add or edit existing)* -
[P2] Visible/enabled with relevant permissions only (request/manage quotes) and quote owner
[P2] Show item totals -
[P3] Can collapse/expand subtotals (collapsed by default) -
[P2] All updates/changes saved as made (not when sending for review)
*This has been moved inline on the page (is a modal on Luma) to reduce qty update duplication (which also contains bugs in Luma)
[P2] Show comments -
[P2] Show / link to attachments
History Log
[P2] Show all updates, including status changes and comments -
[P2] Show / link to attachments
Shipping Information
[P1] Show shipping address -
[P3] Show telephone as link ( :tel
) -
[P1] Update / select shipping address* -
[P2] Visible/enabled with relevant permissions only (request/manage quotes and quote owner)
[P1] Add new address (directs and returns from address book page) -
[P2] Visible/enabled with relevant permissions only (request/manage quotes and quote owner)
[P2] Show resubmit warning message when address changed -
[P1] Show selected shipping method -
[P2] All updates/changes saved as made (not when sending for review)
*Select address moved inline on the page (no modal used like in Luma)
Add Comments
[P1] Add comments -
[P2] Visible/enabled with relevant permissions only (request/manage quotes) and quote owner
[P2] Add attachment -
[P2] Visible/enabled with relevant permissions only (request/manage quotes) and quote owner -
[P2] File size, type and name validation
[P2] Submit / save comment (and attachment) -
[P2] Remove selected attachement
[P1] 'Send for Review' button -
[P2] Redirect to success page -
[P2] Visible/enabled with relevant permissions only (request/manage quotes) and quote owner
'Proceed to Checkout' button -
[P2] Only enable/visible if quote is allowed to go proceed to checkout -
[P2] Only enable/visible with relevant permissions (checkout with quote and quote owner) -
[P2] Removes negotiated prices first (with modal warning) if quote has expired*
Locked Quote View
When the quote has been submitted as is with the seller (admin user) for review
[P2] Show quote locked warning message
[P2] Disable delete quote button (remove from page) -
[P2] Disable item qty updates (remove from page) -
[P2] Disable item delete (remove from page) -
[P2] Disable leaving item notes for seller (remove from page) -
[P2] Disable selecting (changing) shipping address (remove from page) -
[P2] Disable adding new shipping address (remove from page) -
[P2] Disable leaving comments / attachments (remove from page) -
[P2] Disable 'Send for Review' button (remove from page)
Quote Detail Print (Feature complete (click to expand items checklist)
[P3] Accessible with relevant permissions only (view/manage quotes) -
[P3] Show quote information for print (as per Luma)
Quote Send Success Page (Feature complete (click to expand items checklist)
[P1] Show quote sent success message -
[P1] Show and link to quote (with ID) -
[P3] 'Continue Shopping' button (goes to homepage)
Account Dashboard Recent Orders (Completed features (click to expand items checklist)
[P2] Don't display quote orders in recent orders -
[P3] Reorder link cart merge / replace (see modal features below)
Reorder Cart Merge/Replace Modal
[P3] Trigger modal only if cart not empty -
[P3] Show warning message -
[P3] 'Merge' cart items button -
[P3] 'Replace' cart items button -
[P3] Cancel/close modal
Order Listing Page (Completed features (click to expand items checklist)
[P2] Remove reorder button for orders placed as quotes -
[P3] Reorder link cart merge / replace (see modal features below) -
[P3] Order filters/columns*
*Functionality is repplaced/improved by order search history module #82 - not relevant to make this compatible within this module
Reorder Cart Merge/Replace Modal
[P3] Trigger modal only if cart not empty -
[P3] Show warning message -
[P3] 'Merge' cart items button -
[P3] 'Replace' cart items button -
[P3] Cancel/close modal
Order Detail Page (Completed features (click to expand items checklist)
[P2] Display / link to quote -
[P2] Show created date and user -
[P2] Remove reorder button for orders placed as quotes -
[P3] Reorder link cart merge / replace (see modal features below)
Reorder Cart Merge/Replace Modal
[P3] Trigger modal only if cart not empty -
[P3] Show warning message -
[P3] 'Merge' cart items button -
[P3] 'Replace' cart items button -
[P3] Cancel/close modal
Order Detail Print (Completed features (click to expand items checklist)
[P3] Show created date and user